PRBB Beach Volleyball is back!
Registration procedure:
PRBB Beach Volleyball is back!
Registration procedure:
STEP 1 - Pre-registration (March 3rd to 9th)
· Pre-register your team by:
1) Filling the required information in the online form (2x2, 4x4, 6x6)
2) Creating a new user on the website (
- Each team needs its own user with a unique email registration (the captain's email address). The same email address cannot be used to register more than a team. Use different addresses for teams in different categories.
- Only PRBB and ex-PRBB residents (alumni) are allowed to register and participate in the championship. External participants will not be accepted.
- There will be 3 categories: 6x6, 4x4 and 2x2. Each category will be subdivided into different leagues. One participant can only be registered in one team per category. The number of participants that can be registered in a team for each category goes as follows:
· At least 6 participants can register in 6x6 teams. There is no limit of registered participants for this category. Up to 3 alumni allowed
· At least 4 participants in 4x4 teams. Up to 2 alumni allowed
· Only the 2 participants in 2x2 teams. No alumni allowed
- Teams will be accepted after the submitted information is reviewed in a first-come-first-served basis. Once the limit of accepted teams is reached, a waiting list will be created with the rest of pre-registered teams and they will be notified if a spot has been freed for them.
· After pre-registering on the website, the team status will remain "PENDING ADMIN APPROVAL" until the next step is completed.
STEP 2 - Registration and payments (March 11th and 12th from 12pm to 2pm at Rosalind Franklin room)
· Formalise the registration by:
- Delivering the disclaimer document signed by the captain on behalf of the whole team.
- Payments (50€ 6x6; 45€ 4x4; 20€ 2x2, CASH ONLY!!!)
· After registration is completed the team's user will be activated in the website and will receive an e-mail notification containing instructions on how to log in and other information.
BVPRBB 2025 Calendar:
March 3rd-9th: Pre-registration
March 11th and 12th (from 12pm to 2pm): Payments to formalize registration at Rosalind Franklin room
March 31st: Start of the tournament
July 25th: Final matches and Awards
50€ 6x6; 45€ 4x4; 20€ 2x2.
All payments are managed by La ORG.
Championship format and rules:
· There will be 3 categories: 6x6, 4x4 and 2x2.
· For each category, the championship consists of 3 phases:
1) Qualifying Round: Initial matches out of random matchmaking. The results will determine the formation of level-adjusted leagues. Last day to play the QR: April 28th. No exceptions
2) Regular Season: Within each league, every team will play against other teams once. Score points in each match will determine the ranking at the end of this phase and the matchmaking for the next phase (e.g. 1st vs 8th, 2nd vs 7th, etc.). Last day to play the RS: June 27th. No exceptions
3) Playoffs: Elimination rounds that will determine the best teams in each league from the three categories.
· The usual distribution of matches along the weekdays will be the following:
- Mondays & Wednesdays: 6x6 matches
- Tuesdays & Thursdays: 4x4 matches
- Fridays: 2x2 matches
· The usual schedule for the matches will be from 6pm to 7-8pm. Rescheduling will be possible as long as there is an agreement between both teams.
· At any time during the game (for all categories) it is mandatory to have mix-gender teams. In the 4x4, this means 50% male and 50% female participants playing at the same time. In the 6x6, when playing, there should be at least 2 male and 2 female participants. Still, in both cases, the whole team can be composed of different percentages. For more information, see the Rules section (
If you are interested in receiving news about the upcoming Beach Volleyball PRBB Tournaments and not to lose any vital information for this and other events organised by La ORG, please fill in your preferred email address here:
Stay tuned, spread the word all around PRBB and follow us on Instagram (@bvprbb)!!!
For any burning question you might have, please reach us at
Have fun!